Maybe it’s the ‘Hearing’ who are impaired…

India arguably has the largest deaf population in the world, but it is said that the number of certified interpreters are 250 for around 18 million deaf people! Sign language is still not an officially recognized language by the government. The country has no captions on television, no instructions for deaf people at public places, no TTY, no instruction through sign language in deaf schools and no deaf college or a university for deaf people.

I hope the exhibition of this documentary helps deaf community in India to strengthen their fight for their basic rights, like the recognition and adoption of sign language in schools and in the community at large; awareness about deaf culture and motivating the entertainment media in the country to adopt captioning.

Vidyut Latay
Director/Producer-Beyond Silence

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11 thoughts on “BEYOND SILENCE- India

    1. Vidyut Latay

      Hi JC

      Thanks for your interest in Beyond Silence.
      I hope you enjoyed watching the film.

      Here are the answers to your questions:

      I got involved in making a film about deaf in India because I felt it was a human issue that needed attention and awareness. The lifestyle of deaf people in India and their positive attitude of celebrating deafness is something I really wanted the world to know.

      Deaf in India do varied jobs like: sign language instructors, data entry operators, clerical jobs, administrative jobs, some work in their own family businesses, graphic artists, etc.

      To learn more about the film and the subject please check out my website:

      Thanks so much.

      Vidyut Latay
      Director/Producer-Beyond Silence

  1. Wolf

    1) Do deaf people have closed captions on tv or movies?

    2) Do deaf student bring their hearing aids home from school?

    3) Can deaf people get jobS in India?

    Thank you,

    1. Vidyut Latay

      Hi Wolf

      Thanks for your interest in Beyond Silence.
      Hope you enjoyed watching the film.

      Here are the answers to your questions:

      1. India still does not have captions on television;however, things have changed a bit in the past few years. The broadcast of the newly elected Prime Minister of India’s speech last year included the simultaneous sign language interpretation too, so things have started improving a bit, but there is still a long way to go for the broadcasters of the networks to realize the importance of captioning.

      2. Deaf students wear hearing aids both at schools and at home. They are encouraged to use them regularly;however, some deaf adults prefer using only signing instead of the hearing aids for communication.

      3. Getting jobs is very difficult for deaf people, there are lots of reasons for that like: Personal biases of people, lack of societal and governmental will to include them in the main stream activities.
      Some of the jobs they do are: sign language instructors, data entry operators, clerical jobs, administrative jobs, some work in their own family businesses, graphic artists, etc.

      To learn more about the film and the subject please check out my website:

      Thanks so much.

      Vidyut Latay
      Director/Producer-Beyond Silence

    1. Vidyut Latay

      Hi B.R.

      Thanks for your interest in Beyond Silence.
      Hope you enjoyed watching the film.

      Here are the answers to your questions:

      1. Indian food is very rich and diverse, deaf people have the same food as hearing people.

      2. Indian currently does not have a separate college or university dedicated exclusively for deaf people and deaf studies. The number of deaf students entering formal college and university are also very less.

      3. Deaf kids and adults enjoy all kinds of sports popular among hearing people. Cricket is the most favorite sport of India, deaf people enjoy that too.

      To learn more about the film and the subject please check out my website:

      Thanks so much.

      Vidyut Latay
      Director/Producer-Beyond Silence

    1. Vidyut Latay

      Hi B.R.

      Thanks for your interest in Beyond Silence.
      Hope you enjoyed watching the film.

      Here are the answers to your questions:

      1. Deaf in India do varied jobs like: sign language instructors, data entry operators, teachers, clerical jobs, administrative jobs, some work in their own family businesses, graphic artists, etc.

      2. I don’t have any statistical data about deaf owning houses, but I am sure they very well can. The law does not restrict them from owning property if they can afford it.

      To learn more about the film and the subject please check out my Website:

      Thanks so much.

      Vidyut Latay
      Director/Producer-Beyond Silence

  2. BJJ

    1. Do you understand their sign language ?
    2. Do they teach reading in schools for the deaf?
    3. Do deaf people join sports with hearing people?

    Thank you!

  3. HC

    I have some questions..
    1. How many schools for the deaf in India?
    2. Do deaf students use ipad in school?
    3.Why do kids in India not have good hearing aids?
    Thank you!


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